Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical practice that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow, balance the body’s energy/Qi, and promote healing. The belief underlying acupuncture is based on the concept of meridians, which are pathways through which qi flows.
In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the body is seen as a balance of opposing forces, and disruptions in the flow of qi can lead to various health issues. Acupuncture aims to restore the balance and harmony of qi, promoting overall well-being.
Tui Na
“Tui Na” (also spelled “tuina”) is a form of Chinese therapeutic massage that has been used for thousands of years. The term “Tui Na” translates to “push and grasp” in English, reflecting the manual techniques involved in this type of massage. Tui Na is an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and is used to promote the flow of qi (vital energy) and blood in the body, as well as to balance the body’s yin and yang.
Cupping is a therapeutic technique that has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine and various other cultures. It involves placing cups on the skin to create suction, which helps mobilize blood flow, promote healing, and alleviate various conditions.
Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves burning dried mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) near certain points on the body. The word “moxibustion” is derived from the Japanese “mogusa” (meaning mugwort) and the Latin “bustio” (meaning to burn). The burning of mugwort is believed to stimulate specific acupuncture points and promote healing.
Gua Sha:
“Gua sha” is a traditional Chinese healing technique that involves scraping the skin with a massage tool to improve circulation and promote healing. In massage therapy, massage is the manipulation of the body’s soft tissues. Chia uses different techniques, such as Swedish massage, deep tissue, trigger point, and acupressure, to help patients relieve pain and stress.
Swedish Massage:
Swedish massage is a popular and widely practiced form of massage therapy that originated in Sweden. It is known for its emphasis on relaxation and the use of various techniques to improve circulation, reduce muscle tension, and promote overall well-being. Per Henrik Ling, a Swedish physiologist, is often credited with developing the foundations of Swedish massage in the early 19th century.
Deep Tissue
Deep tissue massage is a type of therapeutic massage that focuses on reaching the deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. It aims to release chronic patterns of tension in the body through slow, deliberate strokes and deep pressure. This type of massage is often recommended for individuals with chronic pain, tight muscles, or specific areas of tension and discomfort.
Trigger Point
A trigger point refers to a localized area of muscle or connective tissue that is sensitive to pressure. These points are often associated with tight muscle fibers and can be palpable as nodules or knots within the muscle. When pressure is applied to a trigger point, it may cause pain or discomfort, and this pain can often be felt in other areas of the body, a phenomenon known as referred pain.
Acupressure is a traditional healing practice that involves applying manual pressure to specific points on the body. It is based on the same principles as acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medicine technique, but instead of using needles, acupressure relies on finger pressure, massage, or other forms of touch to stimulate these points.
Acupuncture $75.00
Acupuncture+ Massage Therapy 1 hour $100.00
Massage Therapy 1 hour $100.00
Cupping/Gua Sha $30.00
Payment: Cash/Check/Credit Card
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